University Housing

The Residence Hall License Contract ("Contract") is a binding legal agreement between the student ("Student") and Appalachian State University ("University") for a term of one academic year. The Contract details a set of terms and conditions to which the student must adhere. Additionally, the Contract gives the Student permission to utilize a residence hall space, and once an assignment is possible, guarantees a space (subject to reassignment) on the campus of Appalachian State University.

Prohibited Items

The following items are banned within the residence halls (this list is not all-inclusive):

Non-combustible, non-flammable, or flame-retardant materials should be utilized when decorating rooms if possible. If combustible materials are used, the number of decorations must not exceed 50% of any individual wall or area. Paper, plastic, cloth, or other combustible materials in excess of the 50% allowance may not be used to cover/drape any area. Please note that the following decorative materials will not be permitted:

Decorative light sets should not be anchored/taped or allowed to touch metal items such as window or door frames. Cords may not be run through doorways, under doors, or across hallways. Decorative light sets or other electrical items should be unplugged whenever the area is unattended. While University Housing does not prohibit the use of adhesive strips for wall hanging, the use of push pins are strongly encouraged for residence hall rooms with drywall. Adhesive strips for wall hanging are suggested for residence hall rooms with cinderblock walls. Finally, holiday decorations must comply with guidelines issued by the University's Office of Environmental Health, Safety and Emergency Management.

Student Behavior