Free GRE Practice Questions

What's not to love about free GRE practice questions? We have devised a list that runs the gamut in terms of question type and level of difficulty. If practice makes perfect—which we think it does—then these free practice questions are just what you need to further enhance your hard work. Our Free Practice Questions are designed to give you the thorough understanding of how to go about solving a problem that you need to earn that top score.

Our explanations and breakdowns reveal what to expect from each each GRE question, calling specific attention to common test-taking traps and question-specific challenges. The high caliber of practice questions offers a great diversity of question types spanning across all GRE sections. You won't find a shortage of breakthroughs since each is accompanied with straightforward insights you can easily implement on test day. So what are you waiting for? You've spent hours reading and studying up on the exam, why not take a crack at the 140 free practice questions we have waiting for you at your disposal?

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All Questions
Verbal Reasoning - Text Completion
Question GRE-TCQ-1
Question GRE-TCQ-2
Question GRE-TCQ-3
Question GRE-TCQ-4
Question GRE-TCQ-5
Question GRE-TCQ-6
Question GRE-TCQ-7
Question GRE-TCQ-8
Question GRE-TCQ-9
Question GRE-TCQ-10
Question GRE-TCQ-11
Question GRE-TCQ-12
Question GRE-TCQ-13
Question GRE-TCQ-14
Question GRE-TCQ-15
Question GRE-TCQ-16
Question GRE-TCQ-17
Question GRE-TCQ-18
Question GRE-TCQ-19
Question GRE-TCQ-20
Question GRE-TCQ-21
Question GRE-TCQ-22
Verbal Reasoning - Sentence Equivalence
Question GRE-SEQ-1
Question GRE-SEQ-2
Question GRE-SEQ-3
Question GRE-SEQ-4
Question GRE-SEQ-5
Question GRE-SEQ-6
Question GRE-SEQ-7
Question GRE-SEQ-8
Question GRE-SEQ-9
Question GRE-SEQ-10
Question GRE-SEQ-11
Question GRE-SEQ-12
Question GRE-SEQ-13
Question GRE-SEQ-14
Question GRE-SEQ-15
Question GRE-SEQ-16
Question GRE-SEQ-17
Question GRE-SEQ-18
Question GRE-SEQ-19
Question GRE-SEQ-20
Verbal Reasoning - Reading Comprehension
Question GRE-RC-1 8 Questions - Variable Level
Question GRE-RC-2 4 Questions - Variable Level
Question GRE-RC-3 2 Questions - Variable Level
Question GRE-RC-4 3 Questions - Variable Level
Question GRE-RC-5
Quantitative Reasoning - Comparison
Question GRE-QCQ-1 InequalityChallenging
Question GRE-QCQ-2 GeometryChallenging
Question GRE-QCQ-3 ArithmeticChallenging
Question GRE-QCQ-4 ArithmeticChallenging
Question GRE-QCQ-5 Number PropertiesChallenging
Question GRE-QCQ-6 Number PropertiesChallenging
Question GRE-QCQ-7 StatisticsChallenging
Question GRE-QCQ-8 StatisticsChallenging
Question GRE-QCQ-9 InequalityChallenging
Question GRE-QCQ-10 Ratio and FractionChallenging
Question GRE-QCQ-11 Number PropertiesMedium
Question GRE-QCQ-12 Number PropertiesHard
Question GRE-QCQ-13 Word ProblemsChallenging
Question GRE-QCQ-14 FunctionsHard
Question GRE-QCQ-15 GeometryChallenging
Question GRE-QCQ-16 GeometryHard
Question GRE-QCQ-17 GeometryChallenging
Question GRE-QCQ-18 ProbabilityChallenging
Question GRE-QCQ-19 Data InterpretationHard
Question GRE-QCQ-20 Word ProblemsChallenging
Quantitative Reasoning - Multiple Choice with one answer
Question GRE-MCQ-1 AlgebraMedium
Question GRE-MCQ-2 AlgebraMedium
Question GRE-MCQ-3 AlgebraMedium
Question GRE-MCQ-4 GeometryChallenging
Question GRE-MCQ-5 Number PropertiesChallenging
Question GRE-MCQ-6 Number PropertiesHard
Question GRE-MCQ-7 Number PropertiesChallenging
Question GRE-MCQ-8 Word ProblemsHard
Question GRE-MCQ-9 StatisticsChallenging
Question GRE-MCQ-10 StatisticsHard
Question GRE-MCQ-11 Ratio & ProportionEasy
Question GRE-MCQ-12 Number PropertiesMedium
Question GRE-MCQ-13 Number PropertiesEasy
Question GRE-MCQ-14 AlgebraHard
Question GRE-MCQ-15 AlgebraMedium
Question GRE-MCQ-16 AlgebraChallenging
Question GRE-MCQ-17 AlgebraChallenging
Question GRE-MCQ-18 Word ProblemsMedium
Question GRE-MCQ-19 NumbersHard
Question GRE-MCQ-20 GeometryHard
Quantitative Reasoning - Multiple Choice with one or more answer
Question GRE-SMQ-1 GeometryHard
Question GRE-SMQ-2 GeometryHard
Question GRE-SMQ-3 InequalityHard
Question GRE-SMQ-4 Number PropertiesHard
Question GRE-SMQ-5 InequalityHard
Question GRE-SMQ-6 Word ProblemsChallenging
Question GRE-SMQ-7 Number PropertiesChallenging
Question GRE-SMQ-8 Permutation and CombinationChallenging
Question GRE-SMQ-9 Co-ordinate GeometryMedium
Question GRE-SMQ-10 StatisticsHard
Question GRE-SMQ-11 Number PropertiesHard
Question GRE-SMQ-12 Number PropertiesMedium
Question GRE-SMQ-13 StatisticsHard
Question GRE-SMQ-14 Ratio and ProportionChallenging
Question GRE-SMQ-15 GeometryHard
Question GRE-SMQ-16 AlgebraChallenging
Question GRE-SMQ-17 AlgebraChallenging
Question GRE-SMQ-18 Word ProblemsChallenging
Question GRE-SMQ-19 ArithmeticMedium
Question GRE-SMQ-20 ArithmeticMedium
Quantitative Reasoning - Numeric Entry
Question GRE-NEQ-1 Data InterpretationChallenging
Question GRE-NEQ-2 Data InterpretationMedium
Question GRE-NEQ-3 Data InterpretationMedium
Question GRE-NEQ-4 Data InterpretationMedium
Question GRE-NEQ-5 EquationsHard
Question GRE-NEQ-6 GeometryMedium
Question GRE-NEQ-7 Ratio Proportion; Word ProblemsMedium
Question GRE-NEQ-8 Equations; Word ProblemsMedium
Question GRE-NEQ-9 Number PropertiesHard
Question GRE-NEQ-10 Ratio ProportionMedium
Question GRE-NEQ-11 NumbersMedium
Question GRE-NEQ-12 NumbersEasy
Question GRE-NEQ-13 ArithmeticMedium
Question GRE-NEQ-14 AlgebraMedium
Question GRE-NEQ-15 StatisticsEasy
Question GRE-NEQ-16 AlgebraMedium
Question GRE-NEQ-17 NumbersMedium
Question GRE-NEQ-18 Word ProblemsEasy
Question GRE-NEQ-19 NumbersMedium
Question GRE-NEQ-20 AlgebraMedium

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