Free printable chore charts that you can customize with your name and chore list. Make your own chore chart with a layout that will suit your needs. There are many options available. You can also change the background or border. There are 101 different designs available.
Select a chore chart template from the selection below and click on “customize” to open the chore chart maker. Replace the dummy text with your list of chores. If you prefer to print a blank chore calendar and add the list after you print then don’t forget to delete the dummy text before you download or print.
These customizable free printable chore charts are made with our online app. You can select the background and the chore list layout.
Family chore chart" width="300" height="388" />
This weekly chore chart has a weekly chore list as well as daily chores. You can choose any background or delete the background.
This can also be used for a family or roommates. Type each family member’s name in each block. The remaining blocks can be used for chores that do not belong to specific people.
This weekly chore chart template Excel version has a list of chores that you can change. Each day, you decide what time you want to devote to chores and you select a chore from the chore list. The color automatically changes to mark that time in your calendar. Each chore is color coded and marked with the same color throughout the spreadsheet. You can change the chore list that appears in the dropdown menu. Go to the second tab (chores) and replace the list of chores with your own list. You can change the times in the hourly schedule if you want to make any changes such as start earlier in the day. There is also a similar family chore chart available.
There are many charts in Word or PDF below. The PDF charts are editable. You can type your chore lists on them before you print.
Blank Chore Chart
This blank chart template has no background or border. To add some color to it you can color code the chores. This will not only make it pretty but also enhance visual clarity and organization, making it easier for everyone to quickly identify their tasks. The use of colors can transform a simple chart into a more engaging and user-friendly tool, encouraging participation and consistency in completing household chores.
The editable chart is available in both Word and as an editable PDF. You can also make blank printable chore charts with the chore chart maker by simply deleting the border.
DIY Chart – Select the Chore List Template and the Border
The following free editable printable chore charts have a section for daily chores and one for weekly chores.
With our free online chart maker, you can use many different formats to track your printable chore list. To make a chore calendar simply select a calendar style template from the planner inserts. There are many options available there. Once you have chosen your background, choose planner inserts, and then chore chart.
Week Starts on a Sunday (Editable PDF / Word)
Week Starts on a Monday (Editable PDF / Word)
This layout is good to track daily chores that might change per day. The bullet journal layout will appeal to those who keep a bullet journal and want to keep their chart in their notebook or binder. If you use a notebook, you can adhere the chart with a glue stick or washi tape.
I love this setup for chores that you want to do once every few months like clean your car, or clean ceiling fans, etc.
This layout is great for monthly challenges. For example, in January you might decide to tidy for 10 minutes a day. In February you can clean for 10 minutes a day. In March you might tackle one small area each day. The idea is to have monthly challenges and to get your entire home clean and organized within one year. Hopefully, some of the challenges will become habit and the upkeep will be a breeze.
Add a color code for chores. Draw the key in the space on the left side.
You can also create a chore schedule with one of our editable blank calendar templates.
A chore chart for family members lets you see everyone’s chores at a glance. Either select a blank family chore chart or make a pretty chart with our chore chart maker. See family chore chart.
Editable PDF / Word / PNG / Excel Spreadsheet
Chore Chart Maker
First, select the chore list layout then select the border.
One of the reasons that roommates tend to argue is the division of the chores. We offer a large selection of roommate chore chart templates that will help divide the tasks up and ensure that everyone does their part.
There are two methods to make free printable chore charts on this website: 1. Editable PDF or Microsoft Word Files. 2. DIY chore chart with our online chart maker.
This is a simple editable PDF document that you can edit to create a custom chart. You can also use the Word version. This is a perfect solution for those who want a simple chart in black and white.
Select the chore chart list template and any border or background. This is a perfect solution for those who are looking for a pretty chart that can be customized.
What changes can be made to the free customizable chore chart template?
You can create your own chore chart online without downloading any software.
Chores teach kids responsibility. When kids do chores they feel responsible, independent, and contribute to the household.
Chores teach kids what it takes to run a home. Our job is to give them the tools they will need later on in life and that includes basic household chores that they will have to do. When they learn how to do these things before they leave home they will be ready to live an independent life when the time comes.
Chores teach kids time management skills. They learn how to prioritize and get things done even when they have a lot on their plate. One of the tools I think we should give our children is the ability to prioritize their time and tasks when they have more than one thing to do. This is something they will experience later on in life and they need to know how to cope. Today, it is a matter of learning how to do homework, load the dishwasher, and then wash TV. In a few years’ time, they might have a few projects at work and other responsibilities all at once. This same basic skill will help them later on in life.
Chores help them appreciate their free time. Has it ever happened to you that you have had an entire free done and done less than you would have done when you went to work? This happens to me all the time. The less time I have the more I get done. And when I don’t have as much free time I appreciate and enjoy my free time more than when I have too much of it. If you make your child do her chores before she has free time, I guarantee you she will enjoy her free time more.
In my opinion, children should have some chores that they have to complete before they can be paid for additional paid chores.
They shouldn’t be paid for basic chores that should be required from all family members. However, when we offer additional chores, over and above the basic chores, it can be very beneficial to children. It teaches them the value of money and what is required to earn it. Chores teach them responsibility and work ethic. It should be a win-win solution. Paid chores should help you solve problems and get things done that you would have had to do or pay someone else to do.