Health and Safety Checklists

Reinforce health and safety practices through streamlined inspections with a checklist.

Inspecteur de la sécurité|Health and Safety Checklist|Health and Safety Checklist Sample Report

Workplace Health and Safety Audit Checklist

A workplace health and safety audit checklist is a tool used in performing internal and external audits of an office or any working environment. Use this digital checklist to assess if workplace health and safety (WHS) practices are followed. Maximize this template by using the points below as a guide:

  1. Perform a site inspection and assess workplace areas, including emergency procedures, first aid, and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
  2. Take or attach photos of issues identified.
  3. Add notes or comments to inspections.
  4. Assign corrective measures for non-compliant items.
  5. Sign off with digital signatures.
  6. Generate a digital health and safety audit report and share it as a PDF document, Excel file, or web link.
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Workplace Health and Safety Audit Checklist

Published 2 Aug 2024 Article by Jona Tarlengco | 9 min read

What is a Health and Safety Checklist?

A health and safety checklist is a tool used to reinforce Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) practices and help organizations comply with safety rules and regulations. Performing regular inspections using health and safety checklist templates is a proactive approach to preventing work-related incidents, injuries, and illnesses.

The use of health and safety inspection checklists can also help organizations apply the latest best practices for situations or changes in the workplace that impact lives and livelihoods.

What are the 5 Elements of Safety?

A behavior-based program in the workplace is the first step toward an effective safety culture, but it isn’t the only step. More than using health and safety checklist templates, a culture of safety is an alignment of attitudes, beliefs, and values across teams in an organization in relation to safety. Collaboration is vital in ensuring a successful organizational safety culture so that everyone makes a conscious effort to promote their own and others’ safety.

Focusing on the elements below will help in creating and promoting a collaborative safety culture:

How Can You Identify Health and Safety Problems?

Every workplace will have hazards; depending on the industry, businesses will have to contend with different types of hazards that come with the job. The question is, are these hazards avoidable, and can they be identified before they cause untoward incidents?

It is an employer’s legal responsibility to look after employees and protect them from health and safety hazards in the workplace, and knowing the common types of hazards is the first step in avoiding work-related accidents and injuries.

Every workplace, regardless of the industry, will have its own set of hazards that can endanger the safety of employees. One of the best ways to identify these risks is by using a dedicated health and safety checklist for your workplace.

Benefits of Using a Safety Checklist

A health and safety checklist proves to be an essential tool for ensuring workplace safety. For one, it simplifies the process of identifying and assessing workplace risks by mapping out the essential safety aspects, measures, and considerations. This way, safety officers can carry out these checks in a streamlined fashion and maintain safety standards across the organization.

With the data gathered from this safety checklist, organizations can proactively address the identified hazards and take preventive measures before they escalate. This practice notably reduces the likelihood of unfortunate workplace accidents, injuries, and illnesses. And when consistently done, it creates a safer working environment and promotes a culture of safety.

Lastly, a health and safety checklist is a valuable record of your organization’s commitment to your employee’s safety and well-being. It demonstrates, in writing, that you have implemented reasonable steps to determine and rectify workplace risks. This can be submitted to authorities as proof of compliance with relevant health and safety regulations and standards.

4 Types of Health and Safety Checklists

Safety checklists come in various types and formats depending on the industry and hazard to be addressed. Here’s a quick overview of the 4 common types of health and safety checklists used in the workplace:

General Safety Checklists

A general safety checklist is fundamental for evaluating overall safety measures in workplaces. They cover a wide range of safety factors applicable to most industries and work environments, such as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), fire safety, and emergency procedures.

Workplace Safety Checklists

Workplace-specific checklists are tailored to address safety concerns and hazards unique to a particular industry or setting. They focus on mitigating risks associated with specific tasks on the job. Here are a few examples:

Equipment Safety Checklists

Equipment safety checklists revolve around upholding safety standards for tools, equipment, or machinery used in the workplace. They ensure that the equipment is in good working condition and that employees are sufficiently trained to operate it safely. Examples of this include:

Process Safety Checklists

Lastly, process safety checklists outline safety considerations during specific work activities or processes. They will walk employees through the steps and precautions to exercise when carrying out their day-to-day jobs. Some examples include the following:

What Should You Include in a Health and Safety Checklist?

Using checklists during health and safety inspections paves the way for a safe and secure work environment. So if you’re creating a general health and safety checklist for the first time, make sure to include the following areas:

To illustrate how this works, here’s an example of a health and safety report accomplished using a checklist: