Information Technology

The computing and network resources in the various colleges are a vital component of the academic environment, and the use of these resources is always at the discretion of the university and subject to compliance with the law and all university regulations and policies. Each authorized user using these resources must be considerate of other users. The purpose of these resources is solely to support official activities in furtherance of the university’s mission.

Activities that damage or impede the activities of other users are of particular concern. Such activities are not only discourteous but may be illegal.

The State of Florida has laws that hold that unauthorized use (including accessing another user’s account) leading to offenses against intellectual property and/or computer users is a felony. Besides civil penalties that can include imprisonment of up to fifteen years and fines, the college and or university may impose administrative penalties and sanctions against those found to have violated the law. The University of South Florida wishes to provide open access to students and faculty with as few restrictions as possible. Courteous and thoughtful computing will minimize the need for regulations and annoying security procedures.

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Account Certification Statement

I understand that the following activities are forbidden and may subject me to loss of access to computing and/or network resources, administrative sanctions and penalties by the university and/or college, as well as imprisonment and fine by civil authorities.


Individuals using this system without authority, or in excess of their authority, are subject to having all of their activities on this system monitored, evaluated, and recorded by system personnel.

While monitoring individuals improperly using this system or during system maintenance, the activities of authorized users may be examined. As such, users should not have any expectation of privacy and anyone using USF’s network and computing resources consents to such examination. If the university identifies evidence of possible criminal activity or violations of university regulations and policies, system personnel may provide such evidence to appropriate authorities.

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Network Device Registration